Saturday, September 10, 2005

Mercy killing of Seattle ( Sept ballot )

Let's just face reality about Seattle - there are no good options for limited government, or even slowly growing government.

Once you accept that reality, you realize the only path that may lead to more Liberty is through the heart of the beast. Seattle voters must first destroy this City before any other alternative can become viable.

Toward that long range vision (perhaps after I'm long dead), I will be voting Sept 20 for the most extreme Socialists possible ...

Mayor - Hoeppner; or Wood for diluted greater guv'ment

Council #2 - Madenwald

Council #4 - Averill

Council #8 - Pelz

Any other votes for more "moderate" or weak Socialism only delays the economic collapse of Seattle. My votes will work to rapidly expand massive guv'ment intrusion into every aspect of life in Seattle. Businesses will flee the City in droves when a mandatory "living wage" of $17 per hour is passed (Averill / Wood - unspecified $$ ) - imagine how much a McDonald's meal will cost !!

People take their Liberty for granted; or define neo-Liberty as equal access to "entitlements". They need to understand what it is really like to lose that Liberty in the most extreme way possible.

There are no good alternatives for Liberty on the Seattle ballot in 2005. So let them eat their Socialist cake - make Seattle choke on it.

Voter's pamphlet

Consider it a mercy killing.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Citizen's Audit Parallel Election

I ran across this very interesting citizen's project in another message list.

As a non-partisan entity, this might be something that needs to be established in King County, considering the 2004 elections failure here. - San Diego recount

A Citizen's Audit Parallel Election project is not in itself conclusive, but may suggest where test recounts should be conducted (of the original ballots), by means other than the machine count.

Of course, if enough citizen's don't show an interest to volunteer then the project is moot.

Credibility for this kind of project can only happen if ALL political persuasions are invited to participate - Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Socialist, Urban, Rural, etc. Ballot
integrity CANNOT be a partisan issue.

If you know of any such CAPE happening in King County, please email me,

freerangeauthor [a*t] exordia (d0t) net

Republicans can defeat Sims in Primary (strategic voting)

Sept. 7, 2005 Update: Stefan Sharkansky of Sound Politics is "crossing over" on his Primary ballot to elect the weakest Dem KC Exec !!

Dear Republicans and Conservatives,

This Primary presents an opportunity to defeat Ron Sims in the Primary if R voters will cast their vote strategically.

I am a voter in the 34th LD and KC (King County) 8th Council District.

I am writing to propose an opportunity for Republicans to consider in certain King County districts, for partisan office, in the Primary.

For several districts there will be no contested, Republican partisan offices, such as the 8th KC Council district. R's will have no one to vote for, or the R candidate only needs 1% to proceed to the general election.

This presents the opportunity for R voters to cross over and select the Democrat ballot in the Primary. This could be very useful to vote for Ron Sims OPPONENT. This is how I will proceed with my ballot, and I am suggesting the procedure to other R's I know in my district - they seem very receptive to the idea, as a means to suppress Sims Primary returns, or possibly, defeat Sims in the Primary. R voters only need to mark a Dem ballot for Sims opposing candidate (I plan to mark Rispoli; see below), they do not have to mark any other Dem position - or if you're really concerned about ballot meddling, mark the write-in bubble and write "none" so they can't re-mark for other Dem positions.

Obviously this strategy cannot be considered for the 9th Council District because of the challenged R seat, but several other districts could use this strategy without impact on the R candidates to reach the General ballot.

KC districts 3, 4, 6, and 8 have no candidate of the opposing party - those districts could liberate thousands of R voters to cross over and vote for Sims OPPONENT in the Primary.

A very quick review of Primary election returns shows these numbers, as a limited example ...

2003 Primary
KC District 6 - 17588 votes for the R candidate; no opponent

2002 Primary
KC District 8 - 5102 votes for non-Dem candidates (R & L)

I view Rispoli as the weakest Dem candidate possible. She wrote, "I will not be accepting any money. My sole purpose for running was/is to put a message out in pamphlet", on her Candidate Registration (C-1). [ view reports on ] She does not respond to email queries. [Sept. 7 : read Rispoli's pamphlet statement - delightfully weird]

David Irons, the unopposed KC Exec Republican candidate, will get enough votes from the 9th KC Council District to move to the November ballot. All other KC Council districts may be able to allow R voters to cross over to the Dem ballot in the Primary.

Please share this strategy with as many R voters as possible. Forward my message. The absentee ballots are arriving in the mail this weekend (we got ours Friday, Sept. 2).

Let's defeat Sims in the Primary and get the weakest candidate possible versus David Irons.