Saturday, September 10, 2005

Mercy killing of Seattle ( Sept ballot )

Let's just face reality about Seattle - there are no good options for limited government, or even slowly growing government.

Once you accept that reality, you realize the only path that may lead to more Liberty is through the heart of the beast. Seattle voters must first destroy this City before any other alternative can become viable.

Toward that long range vision (perhaps after I'm long dead), I will be voting Sept 20 for the most extreme Socialists possible ...

Mayor - Hoeppner; or Wood for diluted greater guv'ment

Council #2 - Madenwald

Council #4 - Averill

Council #8 - Pelz

Any other votes for more "moderate" or weak Socialism only delays the economic collapse of Seattle. My votes will work to rapidly expand massive guv'ment intrusion into every aspect of life in Seattle. Businesses will flee the City in droves when a mandatory "living wage" of $17 per hour is passed (Averill / Wood - unspecified $$ ) - imagine how much a McDonald's meal will cost !!

People take their Liberty for granted; or define neo-Liberty as equal access to "entitlements". They need to understand what it is really like to lose that Liberty in the most extreme way possible.

There are no good alternatives for Liberty on the Seattle ballot in 2005. So let them eat their Socialist cake - make Seattle choke on it.

Voter's pamphlet

Consider it a mercy killing.

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