Thursday, July 03, 2008

John McCain wins G-O-P award !!!

Seattle Republican Precinct Committee Officer, Cary Thomas (SEA 34-1247), has awarded the first "G-O-P Award" to Senator John McCain who has declared that he will accept $84 million of public financing, for his campaign for the President.

The "Grand Old Parasite Award" is meant to recognize Republicans who use the coercive power of government to confiscate Americans' hard earned funds and use them for self-serving purposes, such as running for President.

The "Grand Old Parasite Award" is a plaque of recycled wood with an over sized (some might say "bloated") leech with the words, "I drink your milkshake", in faux gilt, inscribed below the leech. If someone strokes the leech it plays back the audio track from the famous "milkshake" scene from the award winning film, There Will Be Blood.

In many respects Senator McCain is too reminiscent of Daniel - this extended final scene reminds me of John McCain's relationship to the voters he seeks to persuade with their own public monies.

Since Cary's personal finances have been reduced to pay for the magnificent public financing, he lacks the funds to build the plaque. You are invited to send your most generous contribution to Cary's PayPal account. Your money will be used to build the plaque and have it delivered to Senator McCain. You don't really need this money, you'd just waste it on some triviality like health care, food or housing for your family.
  • Log into your PayPal account, choose the "Send Money" tab and send your generous contribution to Cary's email address ...
    cary-cwt [a*t] exordia [d0t] net
  • (mark Service/Other)
Your contribution is non-refundable, just like your money used for public financing of campaigns - you'll never see it again.

When the plaque is built, Cary will post a photo so you can appreciate your investment. A note citing the number of contributors will be included with the delivery of the plaque.

If Senator McCain should decide to decline public financing, Cary will withdraw his award. Any contribution you may have sent Cary, for the plaque, will not be refunded.
